エロフィギュアよ、エロ漫画よ! 日本で一番パイズリを書いている巨乳作家・鏡裕之の官能文化論。

↓パイズリで30頁連続!? 日本でNo.1の巨乳フェチ小説!↓

⇒悪の組織でサクセス! 乳魂の痛快出世巨乳フェチ小説、『揉ませてよオレの正義2』! 2013年5月17日発売! アマゾンで予約中!
⇒原作者自らのノベライズ『巨乳ファンタジー2』発売! 2012年9月28日発売!

⇒なぜ、アニメや漫画は表現規制を受けるのか? なぜ、オタクや腐女子は叩かれるのか? そこには、性と資本主義の問題が横たわっている。婚活とオタクの問題はつながっているのだ。表現規制が全国的に強化されようとしている今こそ必要な、オタクのための知的防衛本。



⇒起承転結は役に立たない!? スランプにはどう対処するの? どうやってマーケットを理解するの?……などなど、技術的な面も精神的な面も細かくサポート。全24講義、400頁オーバー。「これ1冊あれば他の本はいらない」と読者に言わしめたゲームシナリオの決定版。同人ゲーム制作者は勿論、ラノベ作家志望者にもバイブルになります。

抜きゲーなのに面白い!? エロゲー批評空間で、抜きゲーにもかかわらず評価80点の高得点! 「これがエロゲーだ」とユーザーに言わしめた、2009年ベスト抜きゲー。

Letter of Protest against The Guardian---DON'T RAPE OTHER CULTURE
"RapeLay" is not an enemy of society and ethics.I mailed The Guardian to inform that there's a Japanese who can say NO.I don't get reply from The Guardian,so I 'm going to place it in my blog.Here is this.
 イギリスにThe Guardian誌というリベラル系の雑誌があります。今回のレイプレイの事件についても扱っています。そこに対して、先日抗議文を送りました。外国の人が読めるように、その全文を掲載します。

Hello dear.
I'm a Japanese novelist who have written porno novels and created hentai games for 14 years.I had worked at a softmaker Illuison that produced "RapeLay".
Your country unjustly accuses "RapeLay" and Japan.There are 4 reasons I can protest:

Japan is not a "heaven" of child pornography.Hentai games are never a fruits of a lawless area.In Japan Hentai games are examined and sold.

"RapeLay" is not a child porngraphy.In "RapeLay" there isn't any real child.It has 3D virtual images all over18 people can tell from real person.So "RapeLay" never abuses nor exploits any real child.Though US insist child porngraphy should contain 2D and 3D pictures of girls,the Supreme Court in US declairs that is unconstitutional.

In the ending of "RapeLay" central character is punished by being killed by heroines.In Japan all video games with the content of rape punish a raper in the ending.In the opening of all video games a caution not to mimic the game and not to commit sex crime is displayed."RapeLay" never recommends a user to commit sex crime.

"RapeLay" is not an enemy of a society.It doesn't urge men to commit sex crime. All porngraphies carry out important function to defuse sexual impulse and aggression.Almost men know that they lose sexual desire after enjoying porngraphy and masturbating.When a man feels strong stress or abhorrence against women in his early adolescence,he is likely to have desire to rape.Porngraphy defuses the desire and refrains from sex crime. So "RapeLay" does."RapeLay" was on sale in 2006.So 3 years ago! If it was harmful,there must have increased the number of rape cases in Japan.But NEVER! That's the use and effect of porngraphy.There is very lower incidence of rape in Japan than in UK and US.Incidence of rape per hundred million is thus:Canada,78;Us,32;UK,16;,Japan,1.78.Porngraphy has great influence on decreasing sex crime.

I agree child pornography should be prohibited,but it must not contain 2D or 3D virtual images.That can diminish the richness of Manga and Anime.
About 400 years ago,there was witch-hunt and were many victims.In 17th century economic disparities were widened all of a sudden.The situation is similar to 21th century.In 1599 Heinrich Botzar said "A contract with devils is awful crime.So you must make a witch suffer at the stake even if you can't prove he or she caused harm anyone". Can you laugh as things gone by? If you rephrase it in modern words,"Having a sexual fantasy is awful crime.So you must punish a man if you can't prove he caused harm anyone."
I feel this is witch hunt in 21th century.The logic of accuser seems what seems nasty must be completely wiped out.Any catapillar of moss should be completely killed because it looks nasty?
However Levi-Strauss had discovered a sofisticated order and structure in uncivilized society,a part of European and American still won't stop looking other culture savage and enlightning other countries.WE JAPANESE ARE NOT SAVAGE PEOPLE.You should not rape other culture or culturally reoccupate our country.The world is full of diverstieis.So ethics is.UK and US should not impose their narrow ethics on other countries.19th century is OVER.You should learn the use and value of porngraphy like Japan.Compeling other countries to obey one narrow ethics should be called "SAVAGE".Accusing other country as a heaven of child porngraphy is also called babarism.I believe UK is not a heaven of SAVAGE.
I don't want blind police nor inquisitor.You don't want too.

Thanks reading.

Hiroyuki Kagami


⇒悪の組織でサクセス! 乳魂の痛快出世巨乳フェチ小説、『揉ませてよオレの正義2』! 2013年5月17日発売! アマゾンで予約中!
⇒原作者自らのノベライズ『巨乳ファンタジー2』発売! 2012年9月28日発売!

⇒なぜ、アニメや漫画は表現規制を受けるのか? なぜ、オタクや腐女子は叩かれるのか? そこには、性と資本主義の問題が横たわっている。婚活とオタクの問題はつながっているのだ。表現規制が全国的に強化されようとしている今こそ必要な、オタクのための知的防衛本。



⇒起承転結は役に立たない!? スランプにはどう対処するの? どうやってマーケットを理解するの?……などなど、技術的な面も精神的な面も細かくサポート。全24講義、400頁オーバー。「これ1冊あれば他の本はいらない」と読者に言わしめたゲームシナリオの決定版。同人ゲーム制作者は勿論、ラノベ作家志望者にもバイブルになります。

抜きゲーなのに面白い!? エロゲー批評空間で、抜きゲーにもかかわらず評価80点の高得点! 「これがエロゲーだ」とユーザーに言わしめた、2009年ベスト抜きゲー。



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